Anna-Christin Joel Anna-Christin Joel

Hello, I am Anna-Christin Joel, a biologist with special interest in functional morphology and biomimetics. At the moment, I am working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Unit for Developmental Biology and Morphology of Animals the RWTH Aachen University as well as the Institute for Biomimetics at the Westphalian University of Applied Science. The focus of my study is on cribellate spiders, but I am working also on other topics related to functional morphology.

All articles by Anna-Christin Joel


What to do with nanofibers?

Many people fear spiders, because they have the reputation of being aggressive animals, only waiting for a chance to kill you. This is of course not true and on the contrary, once you start observing spiders you’ll find they have many fascinating qualities. Especially their highly adaptive silk with one of the toughest fibers not...
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