Dear Readers,
As a new school year begins, I would like to discuss the inclusion of biomimetics in the Austrian educational system. I am thrilled to see the results of the efforts made by Bionikum: Alpen-Adria in integrating biomimetics into the school curriculum!
In Austria, children aged 10 to 14 are part of Lower Secondary Education, where “Technology and Design” is included in the curriculum, specifically within the Neue Mittelschule (New Middle School) and AHS Unterstufe (Lower Level of Academic Secondary School). This subject is also present in the Polytechnische Schule (Polytechnic School), which students may attend after completing the lower secondary level.
Technology and Design
The subject „Technology and Design“ emphasizes the relationship between technology and design in various aspects of life. Design is viewed as a comprehensive process that considers the entire life cycle of a product, from development to disposal. This subject integrates practical skills in handling materials and tools, fosters awareness of quality and sustainability, and encourages creative, experimental thinking. It also helps students navigate the modern, digitalized world and provides insights into the professional realm, preparing them with essential skills such as responsibility, teamwork, and problem-solving. Moreover, it connects with other subjects.
As of August 2024, biomimetics has been included in this subject as well! You can find the updated curriculum at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research website, under „Curriculum of the Middle School: Appendix 1.“
Biomimetics Impulse
With the adaptation of the national curriculum to include biomimetics, various University Colleges of Education (pädagogische Hochschulen) now offer short workshops and lectures to help teachers learn about biomimetics. I had the opportunity to present such a lecture at the University College of Education Carinthia in May 2024. It was titled “Technology and Design Meets STEM” (German version: Technik und Design trifft MINT). STEM is the English equivalent of the German acronym MINT, which stands for Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, und Technik. In English, this translates to Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences, and Technology.
During this lecture, participating teachers gained insights into biomimetics—what it is, how it works, and how to integrate it into their subjects. It was inspiring to see so many teachers become enthusiastic about the topic by exploring concepts like the Lotus effect or mimicking natural structures for lightweight construction. The beauty of biomimetics is that it is not confined to a single subject; it can be integrated into many different ones. It makes sense for schools to adopt a common topic over a longer period, where teachers from various natural science-related subjects present their parts. This approach helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of natural phenomena and allows them to further develop their ideas in subjects such as art, technology and design, and computer engineering. This brings a dynamic element to teaching and learning, helping students see the relevance of science, fostering creativity, and enhancing problem-solving skills.

Teachers learn how to bring natural phenomena into technology – Lotus effect and lighweight construction
Biomimetics at the University
For future biology teachers, the University of Graz offers a lecture titled „Biomimetics: Living Beings as Sources of Ideas for Technological Developments“ as part of its Master’s program in teacher education for secondary schools. You can find their curriculum on their website.
In the winter semester of 2023, I took over this lecture at the University of Graz, where students explore the basics of biomimetics, conduct various biomimetic experiments, and tackle a biomimetic design challenge. With this knowledge, they can integrate biomimetics into their current or future teaching practices.
Teachers are on the front line with the next generation and have a significant impact on students‘ interests. By teaching biomimetics, they can showcase the potential of biology and other natural sciences, influencing students‘ future career choices, which may extend beyond engineering or science. Biomimetics can also be applied in management, social sciences, economics, and more. In my opinion, every company should employ a biologist trained in biomimetics, as they can offer unique problem-solving perspectives by looking to nature.
Thank you for reading! I will keep you updated on upcoming lectures and improvements to the university course.