Diversity in Biomimetics – How it can inspire sustainable living

New Year’s greetings to our readers. So far, me and my colleagues have written about many different topics, organisms, complex systems, but where can one actually apply the knowledge gained from Biomimetics? The answer is: „Everywhere!“.  In this article I will discuss the diversity of Biomimetics and how we can contribute to a sustainable living. The...
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Photosynthesis and dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC)

dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC)

Renewable energies – it is a hot topic since the last 10 years. Many developed countries around the world are tending to shift their energy production to a “green” one due to the global warming problem and energetic self-sufficiency. Among all possible renewable energy technologies, photovoltaic industry is growing very fast. Its main material is...
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How to abstract a biological system to an easy experiment

Biology is quite a complex subject. Especially when you are trying to get deeper into a topic and understand how it is built up, functions and works, it can be very challenging and time-consuming to study a particular topic to its full extent. Still – behind every complex function there is a basic principle or...
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