Update 01/2018
After over 2 years I should change some information but I also like to keep the base where I started from. So I decided to just make an update.
With the beginning of 2018 I started to be self-employed with the help of a funding I recently received. I am still working with Fjoeryn. Furthermore I increased my time investment for the scientific association bionikum:austria by beeing a board member.
Using my self-employed status, I try to commit to my other 2 bigger side projects: „the game table“ and „ergonomic arts“. The table is already available and with 2018 a small campaign will be started to annouce it to certain communities.
kind regards
My name is Jan and I’m 30. I work as an laboratory technician for surface analytics in the wonderful city of Villach/Austria. Besides my job I administrate this blog, a heavy metal band page (fjoergyn.com) and the site of the bionikum:austria association, where I am also a member. Besides that I do a bunch of other geeky things, like designing board game tables (pictures coming autumn 2017).
A few years ago (April 2015) I got my degree as a Master of Science for „Bionik/Biomimetics in Energy Systems“. This was attached to my studies of „Renewable Energy Technique“, in which I own a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Long before I started to study I did something with „IT“ for a big IT-company.
My focus of research during my master studies led me to membranes in semiconductor industries. I still try to connect my knowledge of biomimetics into medicine technologies. Up today I work on a new approach for gathering and secure vital signs data.
So far, so good… So What!?
I hope you will enjoy my articles about completely (biomimetics/ biomimicry) random stuff!
Feel free to contact me via:
jan.berger@blogionik.org or my linkedin account.
All allusions to all kinds of films, books and rock music (…) are purely coincidental.