Dear followers,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017.
We will take a holiday break of two weeks and be back with a new theme session in the second week of January ’17.
This was an exciting year for us. We celebrated our first year anniversary with a week full of videos, interesting facts about our blog and our plans for the future. Did you miss it or did not get the chance to read everything? Then find all posts from our anniversary week here.
We also were lucky to find awesome guest authors who brought new topics and ideas to our blog. If you would like to (re)read some of our guest article, find all of them here.
As a ‚thanks‘ to you as our readers, we prepared some Christmas treats for you on our facebook page. Take a look and get the chance to win one of two prizes. Each of them contain the book ‚Bionik – Faszinierende Lösungen der Natur für die Technik der Zukunft‘ by Thomas Speck, Olga Speck, Christoph Neinhuis and Hendrik Bargel as well as a Conference Proceeding from the Biomimetic Congresss in Bremen (2008 and 2010) and an brochure from the Botanic Garden Freiburg about ‚Biomimetics in Botanic Gardens‘ or ‚Evolution‘. All prizes are in German and kindly sponsered by the Botanic Garden Freiburg (Thomas Speck) – thanks a lot!

Our two Biomimetic-prize-packages 🙂
We wish you a nice winter break and all the best for the next year.
See you then!
Anja, Jan, Kathi & Waseem