Dear readers, it has been a while since we last posted on our blog. The reason is simple – the authors have been pursuing careers not necessarily related to biomimetics, and along with regular family life, the motivation to constantly provide content dwindled over time. However, the desire to continue writing persisted, waiting for the right...
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Dear readers, First of all, we wish you a happy new year, full of nice moments and health! It has been a while since we shared something with you on the blog, so it is about time to give you some news. In Villach (Austria), where all four of us bloggers did out Master’s degree,...
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Many people fear spiders, because they have the reputation of being aggressive animals, only waiting for a chance to kill you. This is of course not true and on the contrary, once you start observing spiders you’ll find they have many fascinating qualities. Especially their highly adaptive silk with one of the toughest fibers not...
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If you have watched The Matrix, you would probably agree that the evil Machines (the Sentinels) who hunt down Neo and other humans in the Real World look terrifying yet oddly familiar. That’s because, in my opinion, the creative directors based the Machines off of insects not just for the appearance but also behaviour;...
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Insects, bugs, creepy-crawlies. You either love them or hate them, but one thing is for sure – they are everywhere. Throughout their 480 million years of existence, insects have evolved to thrive in almost every niche imaginable, from the extremely hot Saharan desert (e.g., Saharan silver ants), to the wet aquatic environments (e.g., dragonfly nymphs,...
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