Biomimetics Inspires Functional Surfaces which are Efficient and Sustainable

Over the last few decades, knowledge transfer from biological concepts to generate technical applications has been receiving increasing attention, often inspiring sustainable biomimetic products in the process. In the past weeks, we have discussed about multiple functional surfaces and how they can be implemented into technical applications. For the theme of surfaces, I will discuss...
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Biomimetics and Sustainability: the example of self-cleaning surfaces

Sustainability … …a catchy word these days! In times of population growth, climate change and environmental challenges, one should think and act in a sustainable way…right? This can mean reducing meat consumption, avoiding plastic bags or cycling instead of using the car: living a sustainable life can look differently on everyone. But still, one thing...
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Merry XMas from BlogIONIK

Dear followers,   Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. We will take a holiday break of two weeks and be back with a new theme session in the second week of January ’17.   This was an exciting year for us. We celebrated our first year anniversary with a week full of videos,...
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What we learned from the Joint Global Conference on Biomimicry and Bio Inspiration 2016

Last month (in November), the Joint Global Biomimicry and Bio Inspired Innovation Conference (aka GBC2016) took place in Utrecht, Netherlands. It is the first time this event is organized in Europe. The event gathered people from all over the world for 2 fantastic days of knowledge sharing and networking. If you want to get a...
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The Matrix, Insects, and You

  If you have watched The Matrix, you would probably agree that the evil Machines (the Sentinels) who hunt down Neo and other humans in the Real World look terrifying yet oddly familiar. That’s because, in my opinion, the creative directors based the Machines off of insects not just for the appearance but also behaviour;...
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Ice Warrior: The Polar Bear’s Light Scattering Technology

I was thrilled to be invited writing about the ice theme, specifically about the polar bears. I have always considered polar bears the epitome of ice warriors (been always fascinated by Pullman’s His Dark Materials’ novels). Millions of years of evolution equipped the polar bear to survive the extremely low winter temperatures  in the arctic...
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Ice, desert, beetle and their connection

Hello to this week’s frosty article. My motivation for this article is to show you the paradox which can appear when you try to solve a specific problem via biomimetics or biomimicry. Sometimes you can draw parallels between properties of already found solutions to other circumstances. These parallels first appear to not have any connection...
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