The „socio economic Biomimetics“

socio economic Biomimetcs

With this article about socio economic Biomimetics I am slightly moving away from our common topics which are mainly technologically oriented and based on scientific research. The purpose is to subjectively present a natural system and imagine how its processes could be transferred into society that it becomes more sustainable, flexible and autonomous.   Last week, Katharina...
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Getting to know… Us!


Hello readers, Woooo hoooo, we survived for a year! 😛   For the anniversary week, I thought!  What could bring the authors and readers to better understand each other? We have written a lot about our backgrounds and our articles reflect our individuality. Though we have studied together we come from different scientific fields, different...
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To celebrate the first anniversary of BlogIONIK we prepared a special quiz for you. It consists of 10 questions which are based on the content of our articles posted in the last year. Rules: Write down your answers and send them on this e-mail: with the subject: Quiz Some questions have multiple choice answers,...
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Papyrus and electrostatic water condensation

  Dear readers, this is the last topic of three articles about electrostatic fields. In the first one I wrote about strategies for water condensation, and the second one was about natural electrostatic fields on plants. This article is about my own research where I investigated, if plants can actually condensate atmospheric water vapour on the...
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BlogIONIK is on holiday


Dear followers, we are on holiday!   With temperatures rising and outdoor activities calling we will take a few weeks off to be back with new articles and fresh ideas by the end of July. We are looking forward to soon be celebrating our one-year-blogging-anniversary with you!   Have a great time,   Anja, Kathi,...
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