Dear readers, After some eventful weeks, I am back with a short but new article. So, what happened? I am planning to found my own company and had some interviews and presentations during my application for a specific funding. Besides that, in the week from 15. to 19. May, I participated again in the “International...
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I was thinking to write an article including a specific technology about the possibilities of energy storage for wind and solar power. These two are the most commonly used renewable energy sources and I was mind-bending to find a solution of storing wind and solar power in a Biomimetic way. Then I thought that this...
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In my last article about surfaces, I gave you an overview about natural fibers, why some of them can be itchy and how they are structured. I chose the position of “pro natural fibers” to explain you, why they are my favorites for most of my clothes. In this article, I hold the opinion “pro...
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Do you remember that wool pullover from your grandma? Yeah, the heavy one with much more than 2 colors or a very tasteful motive on. It is that one that you only wear once a year when your grandma is there. The itchy one. When you think about this pullover your skin turns red. Several...
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If you have watched The Matrix, you would probably agree that the evil Machines (the Sentinels) who hunt down Neo and other humans in the Real World look terrifying yet oddly familiar. That’s because, in my opinion, the creative directors based the Machines off of insects not just for the appearance but also behaviour;...
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Insects, bugs, creepy-crawlies. You either love them or hate them, but one thing is for sure – they are everywhere. Throughout their 480 million years of existence, insects have evolved to thrive in almost every niche imaginable, from the extremely hot Saharan desert (e.g., Saharan silver ants), to the wet aquatic environments (e.g., dragonfly nymphs,...
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Last week I presented you the International Project Week 2016 (IPW 2016) of the UAS Nordhausen and gave you a general overview about it. This week I will finish with the content of the 3 last days. Furthermore, you’ll read more about the decision making and the tools I used as a lecturer. This includes...
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The International Project Week in 2016 (IPW 2016) was the 18th of its kind at the University of Applied Science Nordhausen (UAS Ndh). But, it was the first time for me to participate. Actually, I had had the chance to do so before, just some years ago when I still studied there. My subject of...
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In my last articles I set the focus on the field of sensors in Biomimetics. Today I’d like to write about skin and its technological future. The skin is the main instance for a lot of creatures to create a border between them and their environment. However, a skin is not just about the definition of their own...
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Today I’d like to introduce my first Biomimetic project to you. It is about a floating turbine, which could be used to generate electrical energy while swimming in a river or other streams. I’ll follow my own pathway that I used several years ago, with the exception that some sources are now available for everyone....
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